Development Scripts

The dev_install Command

A dev_install command exists to assist in the installation of tools for local development. It will clone the tool if it is missing, and add to a dev.pth file to link it into your environment:

$ dev_install --list
< big list of tools and their repos >

$ dev_install sgfs
< snip >
Successfully installed sgfs
Cleaning up...

If something has changed about the package that breaks its link (e.g. top-level package names have changed), then dev_install --rebuild NAME should fix it.

The dev Command Wrapper

A dev command exists that will run any other command from within an automatically constructed development environment. Effectively, any Python imports will use your local packages, and any executables will be sourced from your local paths. Any packages or executables not found locally will fall back on the production tools.

It does this by searching for development tools in KS_DEV_SITES, and appends those that exist to KS_SITES. It also looks across the standard PATH for directories that fall within the production environment, and prepends the development versions of those paths.

Lets look at some examples. I can bring up a Python shell in the development environment:

$ dev python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Nov  1 2010, 12:40:26)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ks
>>> ks
<module 'ks' from '/home/mboers/dev/key_base/python/'>

Notice how the ks package was located in my home directory. I can also launch the development version of the toolbox:

$ dev which toolbox
$ dev toolbox

To drop into a development shell:

$ dev bash
$ which toolbox

You can also use other developer’s environments!

$ dev -u mreid which toolbox

See dev --help for all of the options.